Friday, January 13, 2017

Pike Fishing at Mila 23 in the Danube River Delta

Our guides at The Pelican's Shack will help you get this kind of trofee at Mila 23 on the Danube River Delta canals:

Pike Fishing at Mila 23 in the Danube River Delta with Sorin , the guide from The Pelican's Shack - monster head
Pike Fishing at Mila 23 in the Danube River Delta with Sorin , the guide from The Pelica's Shack - monster pike

Danube River Delta at Mila 23

The Danube River Delta is the second largest river delta in Europe and is the best preserved on the continent.

Where the Danube Meets the Black Sea (NASA Goddard image)
Before it flows into the Black Sea, The Danube river branches into three main arms and forms its delta, Chilia, Sulina, and Sfântul Gheorghe. In 1991, the Romanian part of the Danube River Delta (about 83%) became part of the UNESCO's list of World Heritage Sites.
Mila 23 is an old fisherman village on Sulina branch about 33 miles (53 kilometers) North of Tulcea city and is accessible only by boat. The locals are in majority fishermen and are known under the name of 'Lipoveni'. An interesting fact is that 4 of Romanian Olympic champions at kayak-canoe are originally from Mila 23. If would like to go fishing or hunting here and you want to know the 4-day weather forecast for Mila 23 scroll to the bottom of any page.
If you want to visit Mila 23, here is a B&B that offers very good accommodations and gourmet fish and wild game cuisine.

They have their own boats and take you to visit or fish or hunt anywhere you wish in the Danube River Delta.

Fishermen on Stipoc canal at Mila 23